
Showing posts from October, 2024

The Raven

 Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—     While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

6 bad habits sabatoging your brain:


Angel Numbers, and their meaning


10 Nice ways to say NO


Wiki Word for the week of October 27, 2024

Featuring the "Wiki Word for the week of..." section, where each Sunday a new term is highlighted from Wikipedia. Here is the word for the week: Synchronicity

The Psycology of Manipulation




36 ways to stay happy


5 Japanese techniques to improve your life


8 lessons people learn too late in life



   @unknown   sharing is caring...

The past is the past, or is it?

"What you have to remember about the past is that it literally DOESN'T exist. It exists ONLY in your mind, your memories. No more real than a daydream is. What you also have to remember is that your memories are most likely not as accurate as you think they

5 Stoic Rules for Life


A Shaman’s Mantra

@UmmetOzcanOfficial   sharing is caring...

Why pray?

Prayer, a form of spiritual communication often practiced in various religions, can offer a multitude of benefits for individuals. While the specific experiences and interpretations may vary across different faiths, here are some common benefits associated with prayer.

How to become a Beast in 6 months


Meditation tips | Meditation positions

Download the Headspace app and learn to meditate whenever you want, wherever you are, in just a few minutes a day. Each day, it delivers a new guided meditation based on teachings that Andy Puddicombe, Co-founder of Headspace, learned during the ten years he spent studying meditation and mindfulness in monasteries across Asia.

Notable Mathematicians

 Here are a few of the most renowned mathematicians throughout history: Euclid of Alexandria: Often referred to as the "Father of Geometry," Euclid wrote the influential work "Elements," which laid the foundation for classical geometry. Pythagoras of Samos: Known for the Pythagorean theorem, which relates the sides of a right triangle, Pythagoras was also a philosopher and mystic.


 light-worker /lnıt 'wə:kə/ noun Lightworkers are souls who have chosen to incarnate on planet Earth at this time, to work for the greater

Black Sheep

The black sheep usually doesn't follow the crowd because every once in a while, the crowd is literally going the wrong way in mass. It takes a black sheep to stand out and say, 'Hey, I think we're headed off a cliff here!' They may be labeled as outcasts or rebels, but in reality, they're the ones who are brave enough to challenge the status quo and forge their own path. Let's celebrate the black sheep in our lives

The most famous laws in the world


Reality vs. Truth


Best friend...

I want a best friend,  Someone who loves themselves  Someone who loves family Someone who loves life Someone who loves adventure 


"What you have to remember about the past is that it literally DOESN'T exist. It exists ONLY in your mind, your memories. No more real than a daydream is.  What you also have to remember is that your memories are most likely not as accurate as you think they are. They are colored by your emotions and how you were feeling and colored by your memory itself.


When life breaks you, it is because you are ready to be put back together differently. Every piece of you that feels shattered is a piece that will find a new place, a new purpose, a new meaning.  Trust that the cracks are where the light gets in.  And sometimes, in our brokenness, we find our greatest wholeness. 

It's hard being empathetic

For a lot of empaths, people pleasing tendencies first develop as forms of self-protection. Since we can feel people's disapproval, judgments and criticisms so strongly, we learn at a very early age how to give people what they want to avoid the pain of their disappointment. This turns into a vicious cycle of overgiving, overachieving, and overanalyzing our way through life. 

A balanced lifestyle for a happier, healthier you

It has been a long journey, but I'm here. For many years I was being "out of touch", or making destructive choices. It took a while, but I finally found my way back to being a happy, healthy, productive individual. I'm excited to share some healthy physical and mental tips I have been following for the last year with you today. I've learned a lot about how to live a healthier, happier life. Whether 

Powerful truths that have helped me to grow

Know what you want, what you stand for, and what you are worth. Nothing changes if nothing changes. It is never too late to start. Yes, there will be ruptures, but focus on the repair. sometimes it is you. Listen to your body, it knows. Self-compassion releases you/judgment never will. Not everyone will get you. They're not your people.

Introvert: The misunderstood and misunderstood

I'm not shy. I'm a noticer. I'm a thinker. I'm an observer. I'm not stuck up. I'm not anti-social. I treasure my solitude. I'm not a fan of small talk. I prefer a few close friends. I am reserved until I'm not. I appreciate true connection. If we connect, you matter to me.

The hardest far

I never forgot you, I let you live your life. I might not reach out, but if you ever did, I'd reply instantly. I'm trying to focus on myself, but the truth is, I miss you deeply. I'd love to talk to you. I spent a lifetime looking for things I already had, not knowing or