Socrates: 3 rules of sharing information

Have you been told a rumor? Do what Socrates would do: the three filter test. In ancient Greece, Socrates, recognized for his immense wisdom, received a person who, with great enthusiasm, said to him: "Socrates! You know what I just heard about your friend?"
The philosopher, calmly, replied: "Just a moment. Before you tell me, let's go through what you mean by three filters."

First filter: the truth.
  • Have you checked that what you're going to tell me is true?
  • No, I just heard it over there.
Second filter: Kindness.
  • Is it something good you're going to tell me about my friend?
  • No, quite the opposite.
Third filter: Usefulness.
  • Is it useful that I know this?
  • No, not really.
Socrates, with serenity, concluded:
  • If what you want to tell me is not true, not good, not useful... why say it ? ... Socrates’ lesson is clear: before you speak, think. Let's improve how we communicate and build a wiser and empathetic environment. 


sharing is caring...

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