Hopelessness and hopefulness...by ♡Kelsey Satchell
Sometimes I can't say it better myself. That's why it's good to have like minded people to follow. The following was written by a friend today. With her permission, I share it here. See the original post below. ※Adam
"Hopelessness and hopefulness are the words today!Do you know the difference?Hopelessness is a feeling of despair or a lack of hope for the future. It can be a reaction to difficult times or painful experiences, or it can occur without a clear cause. Hopelessness can be a symptom of many mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.Hopefulness means the feeling or state of having hope, or believing that something you want will happen. It can also mean confidence, anticipation, or expectation.The feelings of both can be very extreme. While hopelessness can make us feel many other negative emotions, it is important in these times to practice gratitude. Gratitude is the only thing that can take the wet blanket of shame off of us and remind us where we've been and what we've accomplished.Gratitude is what gives us the feeling of hope. Due to the fact that being grateful is something we cannot measure or dictate in someone else because it is so subjective. We choose how to be grateful for ourselves and experiences.You can either choose to walk through the rain of your existence and dwell on every bad thing you did. Or you can walk into the sun with hope and gratitude for what you have done and accomplished.If we do not choose Gratitude, we do not choose hope. We choose to be without hope.And that my friends, is a very hard choice for some. Because, when you don't have anything to have hope for, what do you have left?"